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Автор Тема: Quest: Collecting in the Air  (Прочитано 6824 раз)

Оффлайн Mescalit0

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Quest: Collecting in the Air
« : Мая 09, 2011, 04:03:55 am »
Name Collecting in the Air
Author Tamoh
Submitted/Updated   04-20-2009
Category      Chaotic Throne 2: Gracia
Level / Zone   75+ / Gracia Continent
*NOTE* You must have the Good Day to Fly quest completed from Lekon before opening this one.

Rewards: 25,160 XP, 2525 SP, Star Stone Gathering Book & Skill

When you arrive at Gracia, run down the Western ramp that's just to the North of Wizard Nottingale. Follow that ramp down and around, and head toward the water fountain. Engineer Lekon is by the water fountain.

Select his 'Collecting in the Air' quest.

He will give you 8 Star Stone Extraction Scrolls and ask you to collect red, blue, or green star stones. Pick ONE color to collect, as you need 8 stones of the same color, and you only get 8 scrolls.

Lekon tells you where you can find Star Stones.

I've had a lot of luck finding them all around the Alliance Base (mostly blue ones), along the barriers to the east (mostly blues & greens), and all along the northern islands. You can find all three colors there (especially red) but be careful as there are some dangerous monsters in the dark mists there. They tend to hang around the red star stones.

With that said, the Blue Star Stones are the easiest ones to go for (to complete this quest), unless you happen to find a nice stash of another color.

Tip for Finding Stones:

It's helpful to make three targeting macros for each of the star stone colors. Simply make a macro that does: /target green star stone You can have it target the stone twice so you auto-approach it (which makes it easier for you to get as close as possible to the stone), OR you can simply hit the macro a few times so you'll approach the stone. Remember to make a macro for each color: Red, Green, and Blue. You can drag them down to your bar, click the one you need, and press your spacebar to activate it.

Star Stones float in the air. To harvest one, drag Lekon's Star Stone Extraction Scrolls down into your hotbar. Then when you find a star stone, double-click it to approach it until you stop (there can't be any distance between you and the stone). OR, use the above macro tip. *wink* Then click on your scrolls in your bar and press the spacebar to activate them. You'll see a message when you're done. For this quest, extraction is 100% successful.

When you have 8 star stones of one color, go back to Lekon and turn in your quest. He will give you an Expert Text - Star Stone Extraction Skill Level 1 book. Double-click it to learn it.

You can now drag this skill into your aurabird's hotbar and follow the same steps above to harvest star stones, which can then be traded with Officer Tolonis for various items.

*Note* It's a good idea to level your new collecting skill up to lvl 3. You will have a much higher success rate when harvesting star stones. To raise your collection level, speak with Officer Tolonis (he's near Lekon) and 'Learn Collection Skill' until you can't learn it anymore.


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