Step 1: install format factory, a freeware program downloadable 2:open the program and open your songs folder
Step 3: select the songs you wish to use and transport them with the mouse to the center of the program window in this way:

when you do this, a new little window will appear and you have to select ALL TO OGG, this way:
then click ok;
Step 4: Click the start button with the green arrow in the upper icons men? (this to be clear:

) and wait for every song to complete;
Step 5: click on output folder in the icons men? ( this

) . In this folder you got your converted songs ready to replace the damn-always-the-same original theme songs of the game; keep this folder opened;
Step 6: open your Lineage 2 pride folder and open the MUSIC folder, and look for the files named:
- NT_Aden.ogg this is the aden theme song
- NT_DarkElf.ogg this is the dark elf village theme song
- NT_Dion.ogg same for dion theme song
- NT_Dwarf.ogg dwarf village song
- NT_Elf.ogg elven village song
- NT_Floren.ogg floran village
- NT_Giran.ogg the town of giran theme song
- NT_Gludin.ogg my favourite, gludin
- NT_Gludio.ogg ok you got it
- NT_Heiness.ogg heine song here
- NT_Hunters.ogg Hunter village here
- NT_Kamael.ogg kamael village
- NT_Orc.ogg orc village
- NT_Oren.ogg (finally last) oren town
Step 7: remember your favourite converted songs? open the output folder (step 5 to open it) , then select 1 song and change the song name with the name of the village's song you want to subscribe. no don t worry here is an EXAMPLE: in my output folder i have "dragostea din tei.ogg" and i want to listen to it when i am in gludin village , so i have to change the name from dragostea din tei.ogg into NT_Gludin.ogg. now copy this song and paste it into music folder, you will subscribe the original gludin village song. same process for the other villages.
remember, rename your songs with the EXACT CORRECT names of the original villages songs or it won t work. and remember to make a backup of the original game songs if you don t want to lose them.