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ThugzMansion Clan Forum

Автор Тема: Improving game speed  (Прочитано 6748 раз)

Оффлайн Mescalit0

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Improving game speed
« : Мая 07, 2011, 02:45:40 am »
Go to the system folder and open the option.ini with a text editor , you'll find something like this


(and so on)

Before the video line just add

CacheSizeMegs=768 (this number is the mb that you are assigning change it as you want, remember that the OS need free memory)

That 2 lines are assigning more memmory to game while you are playing and it will go faster it helps a lot and is 100% legal

P.S Use '768' if you have 1024 MB of RAM! If you have 512, use 320-, for don't have any instability in your OS. If you have other numbers, only do some operations in a calculator!


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