I am glad to present you my first guide.As you can understand obviously from the topic tittle ,this guide is for Grand Khavatari class.

The power of tyrant is hidden in his skills.Also he has a great hp and atck speed and the other stats are very satisfactory.His great CON ,it's very useful ,because he has great hp and cp and he has got good shock resistance.The Key for the victory is the skills...BUT you can play tyrant with another way .These Two Ways,We Will Watch Them Later.
Classes : Orc Fighter 1)Monk Quest:
Click Me 2)Tyrant Quest:
1) 2) 3) 3)Grand Khavatari Quest:
Click Me Skills First of all i will show you a simple bar for your char

Of course you can add other things or change them how you are comfortable.For example to add Cp pots or Elixirs ,Your Weapon etc
Physical SkillsFocused Force

Channels force energy when using a hand-to-hand combat weapon. Can be charged up to Level 8.
Force Blaster

Supplements user's P. Atk. with 2131 Power in a powerful energy discharge. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Over-hit and critical hit are possible.
Hurricane Assault

Supplements user's P. Atk. with 3196 Power to strike the target with rapid consecutive strikes. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon recharged to its 2nd energy stage. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Ignores shield defense.
Punch of Doom

Becomes shocked momentarily while propelling a powerful iron-fist to the enemy that gives significant damage. Requires a hand-to-hand combat weapon to be equipped. Ignores shield defense. Over-hit and Critical hit are possible. Power 9132.
Burning Fist

Hurls a fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2557 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand combat weapon to be equipped. Ignores shield defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible.
Raging Force

Attacks an enemy with a devastating burst of wind energy. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Possible up to stage 7. Over-hit and critical hit are possible.
Symbol of Energy

Creates a seal that increases the P. Atk. and spiritual energy of nearby allies. The seal's effect disappears upon leaving the area. Consumes 1 Battle Symbol.
Maximum Focus Force

Immediately increases spiritual energy to its maximum level.
Reinforcement SkillsZealot

Channels the power of the user's guardian deity for 1 minute, increasing resistance to de-buff attacks by 80%, resistance to buff-canceling attacks by 40%, movement speed by 30, accuracy by 6 when using a sword/blunt weapon/spear/hand-to-hand weapon, Atk. Spd. by 20%, critical rate by 100 when using a sword/spear, and critical damage by 100% when using a blunt/hand-to-hand weapon. Decreases physical skill MP consumption by 50% and the power of received HP recovery magic by 50%. Can be used when HP is under 30 %
Dark Form

For 5 minutes, increases user's fire P. Atk. by 20 and resistance to fire attacks by 10.
Force Meditation

Uses chi energy to recover 60 HP and 10 MP per second for 1 minute. While skill is in effect, user is unable to move, and P. Def. is decreased by 80%. The effect is canceled if user is stunned. Must recharge 3rd energy stage.
Force Barrier

Makes user invincible against standard targets, skills and de-buffs for 10 seconds. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Requires 4th stage Energy.
Final Secret

For 30 seconds, you call upon your hidden reserves to increase your skills power and ordinary attack damage by 30% during PvP.
TotemsPuma Spirit Totem

User becomes possessed by a Puma's soul. Increases user's accuracy by 6 and Atk. Spd. by 20% for 2 minutes. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon.
Ogre Spirit Totem

Becomes possessed by an Ogre's soul. Increases one's own P. Atk./P. Def./M. Def. by 30% and Critical Damage by 10% for 2 minutes. Requires a hand-to-hand combat weapon to be equipped.
Rabbit Spirit Totem

Becomes possessed by a Rabbit's soul. Increases one's own Atk. Spd. by 30%, moving speed by 30%, and evasion by 12 for 2 minutes. Requires a hand-to-hand combat weapon to be equipped.
Bison Spirit Totem

User is possessed by a Bison's soul, increasing accuracy for 1 minute when using a hand-to-hand weapon and increasing P. Atk. by 10% and the probability of critical attack by 100 when HP is below 60%. If HP is below 30%, P. Atk. is increased by 30% and critical attack rate is increased by 300. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon.
Hawk Spirit Totem

Becomes possessed by a Hawk's soul. For 2 minutes when using a hand-to-hand combat weapon, increases one's own accuracy by 6, critical attack rate by 100, and critical damage by 30%. Requires a hand-to-hand combat weapon to be equipped.
Bear Spirit Totem

Possessed by a Bear's soul, user's P. Atk. and critical attack power are increased by 20% and movement speed is decreased by 30% for 2 minutes. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon.
Wolf Spirit Totem

Possessed by a Wolf's soul, user's movement speed is increased by 20% and accuracy increased by 3 for 2 minutes. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon.
Weaken SkillsCripple

Decreases the enemy's movement speed by 20% for 1 minute. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon.
Soul Breaker

Hurls an iron-fist to attack the target with 2411 power added to P. Atk. and causes shock for 9 seconds. Requires a hand-to-hand combat weapon to be equipped. Ignore shield defense. Over-hit. Critical.
Force Of Destruction

Attacks the enemy with 2516 Power added to P. Atk. and penetrates the target with the energy of destruction. Chi Energy Stage 2 Recharge needed. Available with hand-to-hand combat weapons. Over-hit and Critical hit are possible.
Toggle Skills Fury Fists

Greatly increases one's Atk. Spd. Continuously consumes HP
War Frenzy

Increases resistance to stun attacks by 15 and resistance to sleep attacks by 30. MP is continuously consumed proportionate to user's level.

Increases resistance to paralysis and stun attacks by 30. MP is continuously consumed proportionate to user's level.
Riposte Stance

Parries and returns an attack using a weapon. Returns 30% of received standard short-range damage back to the enemy, and reflects buff/de-buff with 30% probability. Decreases movement speed by 10%, Atk. Spd. by 20%, and accuracy by 4. MP is continuously consumed proportionate to user's level.
++++Enchanting Skills++++Ok,in this point we have some changes for epilogue and freya
As we know the attribute of tyrant is Fire,but many guys in highrate has got + resists ,so it's not a good thing to + most of our skils to fire damage.That's why we don't choose fire damage to our skills .Imagine the attribute of players in freya with +3 attributes in a piece of armor +resists.So we can use the fire damage + skill only in low rates.
Active SkillsForce Blaster : HighRate : Duel + LowRate : Fire Damage +
Hurricane Assault : HighRate : Duel + LowRate : Fire Damage +
Punch Of Doom : Highrate : Power + LowRate : Fire Damage +
Burning Fist : Highrate : Power + LowRate : Fire Damage +
Cripple : HighRate : Chance + LowRate :Chance +
Zealot : HighRate : Time + LowRate : Time +
Soul Breaker : HighRate : Chance + LowRate :Chance + (we choose chance and not defense or magic defense cause they exist mages and fighters too .Common Sense)
War Frenzy : HighRate : Power + LowRate : Power +
Fortitude : HighRate : Power + for paralysis LowRate : Power + for paralysis (because we have enough Stun Ressistance)
Passive SkillsFist Weapon Mastery : HighRate : Power + LowRate : Power +
Light Armor Mastery : HighRate : Power + LowRate : Power + (for p def )
Toughness : HighRate : Power + LowRate : Power +
Boost Attack Speed : HighRate : Power + LowRate : Power +
Agile Movement : HighRate : Power + LowRate : Power + (for speed)
Wisdom : HighRate : Power + LowRate : Power + (you can choose what you want ,i choose for hold)
Health : HighRate : Power + LowRate : Power + (for bleed) (if you like,not necessary to + it)
Master Of Combat : HighRate : Power + LowRate : Power + (for hand-to-hand)
Leveling - XP Zones 1-20 level : Elven Ruins
20-40 level : Death Pass
40-52 level : Dragon Valley
52-61 level : Dragon Valley Cave (known as DVC)
61-70 level : Blazing Swamp
70-80 level : Varka Or Ketra
80-85 level : Hellbound (i suggest you to go to Chimeras,for attribute stones .Ex.)
Items-Armor-WeaponIn this point you can choose what type of armor you like ,Light Or Heavy.I know that tyrant has only light mastery ,i suggest you to choose heavy.But don't worry i will post both of them in this guide to choose what you think.
Armor1-19 level-->>>> Heavy : Bronze Breastplate

Bronze Gaiters

Bronze Helmet

1-19 level-->>>> Light : Wooden Breastplate

Wooden Gaiters

Wooden Helmet

20-39 level-->>>> Heavy: Brigandine Tunic

Brigandine Gaiters

Brigandine Helmet

Brigandine Gauntlets

Brigandine Boots

20-39 level-->>>> Light: Manticore Skin Shirt

Manticore Skin Gaiters

Manticore Skin Boots

40-51 level-->>>> Heavy: Full Plate Armor

Full Plate Helmet

Full Plate Boots

Full Plate Gauntlets

Full Plate Gauntlets
40-51 level-->>>> Light: Theca Leather Armor

Theca Leather Gaiters

Theca Boots

52-60 level-->>>>Heavy: Doom Plate Armor

Doom Helmet

Doom Gloves

Doom Boots

52-60 level-->>>>Light: Leather Armor Of Doom

Doom Helmet

Doom Boots

Doom Gloves

61-75 level-->>>>Heavy Tallum Plate Armor

Tallum Helm

Tallum Gloves

Tallum Boots

61-75 level-->>>>Light Dark Crystal Leather Armor

Dark Crystal Leggings

Dark Crystal Helmet

Dark Crystal Gloves

Dark Crystal Boots

76-79 level-->>>>Heavy Imperial Crusader Breastplate

Imperial Crusader Gaiters

Imperial Crusader Helmet

Imperial Crusader Gauntlets

Imperial Crusader Boots

76-79 level-->>>>Light Draconic Leather Armor

Draconic Leather Helmet

Draconic Leather Boots

Draconic Leather Gloves

80-83 level-->>>>Heavy Dynasty Breastplate Force Master

Dynasty Gaiters

Dynasty Helmet

Dynasty Gauntlet

Dynasty Boots

80-83 level-->>>>Light If you like you can choose the light one ,but i suggest you the heavy one
84-85 level-->>>>Heavy Vesper Noble Breastplate

Vesper Noble Gaiters

Vesper Helmet

Vesper Noble Gauntlet

Vesper Noble Boots
84-85 level-->>>>Light If you like you can choose the light one ,but i suggest you the heavy one too .Of course if you play a freya server you will have to choose the Elegia armor ,heavy or light ,your choise.
Weapon Type 1 (Playing With Skill Using)
Type 2 (Playing With Simple Hits)
1-19 level

Viper Fang

Viper Fang
20-39 level

Scallop Jamadhr

Scallop Jamadhr
40-51 level

Great Pata (Rsk.Haste)

Great Pata (Rsk.Haste)
52-60 level

Bellion Cestus (Rsk.Haste)

Bellion Cestus (Rsk.Haste)
61-75 level

Dragon Grinder(Health)

Blood Tornado (Focus)
76-79 level

Demon Splinter(Health)

Demon Splinter(Focus)
80-83 level

Icarus Hand (Haste)

Icarus Hand (Focus)
84-85 level

Vesper Fighter (Health)

Vesper Fighter (Focus)
If the server is freya use the freya one with the same Special Abilities (SA)

Coral Earring
Coral Earring
Blue Diamond Necklace
Blue Coral Ring
Blue Coral Ring

Pailaka Earring
Pailaka Earring
Necklace Of Darkness
Pailaka Ring
Pailaka Ring

Blessed Earring
Blessed Earring
Blessed Necklace
Blessed Ring
Blessed Ring

Earring Of Black Ore
Earring Of Black Ore
Necklace Of Black Ore
Ring Of Black Ore
Ring Of Black Ore

Majestic Earring
Majestic Earring
Majestic Necklace
Majestic Ring
Majestic Ring

Tateossian Earring
Tateossian Earring
Tateossian Necklace
Tateossian Ring
Tateossian Ring

Dynasty Earring
Dynasty Earring
Dynasty Necklace
Dynasty Ring
Dynasty Ring

Vesper Earring
Vesper Earring
Vesper Necklace
Vesper Ring
Vesper Ring
If you play a freya server ,choose the freya jewels

Antharas Earring
Zaken Earring
Valakas Necklace
Ring of Ant Queen
Ring Of Baium