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Автор Тема: [Guide] Soutaker (Interlude Only)  (Прочитано 17288 раз)

Оффлайн Mescalit0

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[Guide] Soutaker (Interlude Only)
« : Июня 24, 2011, 18:10:23 pm »
Soultaker Guide By CarmineAngelo

Info About Soultaker Tips & More
Human Mystic - Wizard - Necromancer - Soultaker

Why to prefer Soultaker?
Soultaker has got many debuffs and you can kill easily your enemies .
Soultaker debuffs low magic deffence of your enemies and you give them more damage .
Soultaker pwnz on olympiad with his skills
Soultaker Speed is kinda low and if u have big distance on PvP with Archers and they have the advantage to kill you

Soultaker Damage Skills

Curse GloomDebuff : Decreases Enemy Magic Defence

Death SpikeDark Attack : Hit your enemy with bones . Requires Cursed Bones .

Vampiric ClawDark Attack : Remove 40% HP of your enemies and you get 40 % HP too . ( Consumes many Mana Potion )

Dark VortexDark Attack - Debuff : Hit your enemy with 111 power and absorve 40% hp (Reduce enemy Dark Resistance)

AnchorDebuff : Paralyze your enemy .

SleepDebuff : Put your enemies on sleep .

Curse  DiseaseDebuff : Temporarily reduce your enemies HP Recovery .

Curse WeaknessDebuff : Reduces enemy's P . Atk .

Transfer PainToogle : You share your damage with your summon (Requires pet)

Curse FearDebuff : Fear your enemy (Run around , can't hit)

Summon Reanimated ManSummon : Summons a pet,Requires 3 Crystals: C-Grade

Summon Cursed ManSummon : Summons a pet,Consumes 2 Crystals: Grade C during summon

Mass SlowMassive Debuff : Reduces enemy speed .

Mass Mage BaneMassive Debuff : Remove Buffs that gonna pwnz you like M. Atk and Casting Spd only from nearby enemies .

Mass Fighter BaneMassive Debuff : Remove Buffs that gonna pwnz you like Atk. Spd. and Speed from nearby enemies .

Arcana PowerToogle : Increases your M.Atck . Hp consumes while Arcana Power is on use .

Curse AbyssDebuff : Decreases your enemies Speed, P. Def., Evasion, M. Atk., Casting Spd. and critical rate of damage magic. It's a good way for pwnz

I need armors help me to select :/ !

Devotion Set (1-39)

Karmian Set (40-51)

Avadon Robe Set (52-60)

Dark Crystal Robe Set (61-80)

Major Arcana (76-80)

Nah , now i can't kill mobs but i don't diying too :/
I know it , you need weapon . What kind of weapon? Check Below :

Voodoo Doll (1-19)

Staff of Life (40-51)

Homonculus Sword (40-60)

Sword Of Miracles (61-75)

Arcana Mace Acumen (76-80)

Now mobs kill me with magic spells :/ !
Don't worry , take this earrings below .

Blessed Set (40-51)

Black Ore Set (52-60)

Majestic Set (61-75)

Tateossian Set (76-80)

Raid Boss Jews Set (76-80)

OMAGAD no buffs now i hit like dump
Vs Mage

Vs Fighter

What dyes must i add?
Con+4 Str -4
Wit +4 Men -4
Int +4  Men -4
You must have that misc with you :
Crystal C Grade
Healing Potions
Mana Potions
Cursed Bones
Skill Enchant
Cursed Gloom : Enchant On Chance
Vampiric Claw : Enchant On Power
Death Spike : Enchant On Power
Anchor : Enchant On Chance
Silence : Enchant On Chance
Mass Slow : Enchant On Chance
Sleep : Enchant On Chance

PvP Tactics
Vs Dagger - Saggitarius
Use Many debuffs on them like slow , abyss , gloom , Curse Weakness ,anchor
Dagger : Use slow and run away and start hit him slowly .
Saggitarius : Use Slow & Weakness and Fuk him
If Dagger/Saggitarius is near you , Use Mass Fighter Bane

Vs Cardinal
Use Debuffs on him like Abyss , Curse Gloom , Curse Disease , Anchor , Silence and then start hit him with Vampiric claw and death Spike .
If mage is near you , Use Mass Mage Bane

Vs Mages
Use Debuffs On him like Silence , Curse Gloom , Abyss , Anchor and start hit him with Death Spike , if he makes you cancel and you diying
If mage is near you , Use Mass Mage Bane

Vs Orcs (Titan - Tyrants)
They just need Mass Slow , Mass Fighter Bane , Abyss , Anchor , Curse Gloom and start run away and hit .
If orc has frenzy and wears bow hit with Vampiric Claw for absorve HP .
If Titan/Tyrant is near you try to make Mass Fighter Bane .

Mass PvP .
On Mass PvPs start hitting bishops and make banes abyss and use all mass debuffs .
You mustn't be on them otherwise they will cancel your buffs and maybe kill you more easily .
*Make sure that you have summon

In olympiad make sure that you use skill with low mana consume and use useful debuffs like Mass Bane , Curse Gloom ofc , Abyss , Mass Slow , Anchor
Make sure that you have summon and you have transfer pain on use.
Take that weapon on SA  Blessed Body & Mental Shield and use it on Olympiad .
Take BBS soulshots for olympiad and soulshots for pets .
Use DeathSpike , it consumes low MP
Credits : Me (Write this guide)
            Finito (For Advices (Help me a bit)
            pmfun (For pictures)
« Последнее редактирование: Июня 24, 2011, 18:32:40 pm от Mescalit0 »


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