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Автор Тема: [Guide] Wind Rider  (Прочитано 21925 раз)

Оффлайн Mescalit0

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[Guide] Wind Rider
« : Июня 24, 2011, 18:03:36 pm »
:S man i understand what u are saying and i agree in pvp...but most ppl use theese guides to learn to play with new class.and if u put only pvp info's..when they go farm they rlly make bad mistakes ! like: not taking vampirics and have to use healing potions when they don't need'em..
and btw,Fake death doesn't trick NPC' makes mobs stop hitting tricks mobs..edit that.
But Overall u done a fine work ...GJ
The guide will be at 2 parts,IL and Freya,cz there are many similarities but some changes

Some things about Wind Rider:

Big DEX ,but little CON and STR.Big att spd ,fast reuse at  blows and high possibility for  lethal
Gives  speed, physical skill speed, accuracy, evasion,chance critical hit , bigger chance to succesful dagger skills such as Deadly Blow), shield defense success rate, και  movement speed.
So,because we have big  DEX , these are our advantages

Classes:Elf Fighter
    1o Q:Elven Scout
    2o Q:PlainsWalker(You have to do these 3Q-123)
    3o Q:Wind Rider


Backstab: Hits enemy in his back.The damage it does decrease enemy's HP.Requires dagger.Possibility for lethal strike
Deadly blow: One of our main skills in pvp.It makes nice damage on pvp.Requires dagger.Possibility for lethal strike
Switch:Cancels enemy's target
Sand Bomb: Decreases enemy's accuracy
Entangle:  Magic skill.Decreases enemy's speed,cast on medium range
Blinding blow Medium powered blow.Increases your speed when used.Makes enemy show his back.Requires dagger,chance for lethal
Lethal strike: Powerful skill.Maybe the most used on pvp.High chance for lethal ,requires a dagger
Bluff:Chance to make enemy lose his target,stuned and show his back

Self Buffs

Defence aura:  Increases your Pdef(useful mainly for oly)
Attack aura : Increases your pattack(useful mainly for oly)
Spirit barrier: Increase your Mdef(Useful for oly)
Sprint:  Increase your speed.Same effect with Wind Walk lvl2
Mortal strike: Increase chance your skills make critical
Ultimate Evasion :Increases your evasion and resist to debuffs
Focus Chance:  Increases the possibility of your skills have critical 60% from back,30% from rear -30% from front
Focus Death:   Decreases crit.chance.Increase damage from back by 90% from rear 60% and decreases from front by 30%
Dodge:  For 5 seconds noone can hit you from meele attacks(Interlude version)

Toogle skills
Vicious Stance:  Increase your power of blows
Focus skill mastery:    Increase your chance of skills succed
Fake Death:  Your character is pretending dead so it tricks NPCs
Chameleon Rest:  Your char is invisible for mobs
Silent move:  Your character is invisible from mobs-it decreses your speed
(Toogle skills consume MP every sec)

AlsoΕlemental Heal:Magic skill.It restores your HP

Gracia+ Skills!
Critical wound:Increases the critical damage a target receives by 30%. Requires a dagger
Dodge:Allows you evade any physical attack(meele or ranged) for 10 seconds
Wind Riding:Increase your Spd./Evasion/Deadly attack rate/Physical skill Evasion ability
Hide:Allows you 100% Invisibility
Shadow step:Cancels enemy target and allows you teleport near him

Xp ZONES(Interlude)

1-20 Elven Village- go up to elven forest
20-40 Dion hills/Brekas-deathpass/Ant nest(outside)
40-52 Cemetary
52-60 Skayshadow medaow(Oren) or DVC
60-70 Blazing swamp
70-80 In start Ketra/varga,after Forge of the gods

Xp ZONES(Gracia)
1-20 Elven Village- go up to elven forest
24-40 Kamaloka
40-52 Cemetary
52-60 Skayshadow medaow(Oren) or DVC
60-70 Blazing swamp
70-80 In start Ketra/varga,after Forge of the gods
80-85 Hellbound Island


S-84 Holy Spirit Cloak

Striped Mithril Shirt CP

Sword Breaker
Cursed Maingauche
Crystal Dagger-Mortal strike
Demon Dagger-Mortal Strike
Νaga storm-crtitical dmg
Αngel Slayer-Critical dmg
Icarus disperser -Crit dmg
Magma Edge+ Crit dmg

Βinding Set
Black Ore Set
Majestic Jewel Set
Tateo Set
Dynasty Jewel Set
Elegia Jewel Set

(in IL you can take till Tateo)

Our best choise then is these

But inFreya,it's better to take even Valakas ,or better Freya if we can

In GRACIA it's better take Vesper earring instead of zaken ;)

If you play with cov,take resolve(or a similar that increase speed)or else take one that increases life/pdef
Misc:Make sure you have with you
Soulshot S
Blessed Spiritshot
Scroll of escape
Mana pot(If they are provided by server)
Greater healing potion
Increases your att spd
Elixir of CP S
Elixir of Life S
Elixir of mental strenght

Interlude DYES
Dex+4 Str-4
Con+4 Str-4
Wit+4 Int-4

Gracia dyes:
STR +2-4 CON-2-4(if you want)
Wit+4 Int-4

Best augments:

Active-Passive:Duel might
Active-Passive:Magic Barrier
Active-Passive Agillity
Active Celestial
Active Battle Roar
Active Reflect
Chance Fear
Chance Anchor
Chance Hold etc


These are
Mental shield,wind walk,shield,resist shock,death whisper,Bless the body,magic barrier,haste,dance of fire+fury,song of renewal+vitality+champion+wind+wardingearth,PoWindelemental protect,Blessing of queen,salvation,earth chant,divine protect

PvP Tactics:

Vs Mage
Interlude:You may force some problems with your speed if they slow you.Then try use entagle or else reach him by run.With the buffs above he will not deal many damage.If you get near him,switch bluff and kill him
Gracia:No problem for slow here.You have shadow step/hide.Start as always with blinding blow critical wound.If strong use Wind riding

Vs Archer
Interlude:They will try to run as always.Use blinding blow at start and start backstabing them.If strong/good damage dealers use UE
Gracia:Better use hide at start cz they have skill to cancel it if you try to save yourself with it.
as before,blinding blow critical wound and backstab.DODGE really helps

Vs Dagger
Interlude:Don't use focus(if you already have use focus chance) because it will be face to face battle.Here spam switch and use DEADLY/LETHAL blow  and DODGE
Gracia:Don't use focus(if you already have use focus chance) because it will be face to face battle.Here spam switch and use DEADLY/LETHAL blow critical wound  and DODGE.Don't die u have HIDE

Vs Gladi
Interlude:Things are difficult.U are based at Lethal possibility to win this pvp,spam it much
Gracia:Same with IL,also use DODGE and critical wound

Vs Tyrant

Interlude:You have dodge+UE.You can win him easily
Gracia:The same

Also in GRACIA always use WIND RIDING in powerful enemys to pwn them more easily

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Credits:Me for overal guide, and for ICONS(i didn't even leech what skills do lol :) )
Please tell me my mistakes to fix them


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