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Sony Vegas Rendering & Editing guide
« : Мая 01, 2011, 23:37:01 pm »
Leaf’s Sony Vegas Rendering/Editing guide

A lot of people on retail make PvP video’s. There’s more PvP on private servers but no one is making any video’s. Why not? I enjoy making a video, posting it, getting fanbois and showing how pr0 I am to others. You think you’re pr0? Well, start making a PvP video already!

Programs required:
Sony Vegas 4.0, 5.0, 6.0 or 7.0 (I have 5.0 atm)
Fraps (doesn’t really matter, as long as you can record ingame footage)
XviD MPEG-4 Codec for rendering

Recording ingame footage (fraps)

You should use fraps for this (I’ve used fraps 2.5.x and higher and haven’t really seen much difference so the version doesn’t really matter that much). Some people say there’s some better stuff out there for this but don’t listen to them. I’ve tried another program and fraps is a lot better, probably the best program for recording lineage 2. You can use the L2recorder as well but ONLY for intro’s or something. Not for the real PvP because people can’t see your buffs, your HP, nicknames etc… which is pretty boring to watch.

Few things you should know:

- Do not play at a resolution higher than 1152*864. Fraps does not support
resolutions higher than that and it’ll make your video pretty blurry (I play at
1152*864 myself and I like it).
- ALWAYS have your fraps running. I forgot it a few times in the past which
made me cry :(
- If you want to record music you can’t talk on ventrilo, well u can but it will
make some -beep-ed up noice and your E-friends won’t like that. If you really
want to be pr0 you should have 2 computers running, 1 for ventrilo so you can
talk and on the other one you can actually record sound.

As for the other “basic” things you should check out (you can’t get the full retail version there, only the 30 second one. Not going to post a link for the full one cause that ain’t allowed :P)

Editing/Rendering with Sony Vegas

1. Opening fraps footage into your Sony Vegas

Open Sony Vegas.
Go to File >> New (CTRL+N)

(Or if you forget to do this at the beginning, you can simply press ALT+enter anytime) and set everything like you can see below.

Once you’ve done that simply save it (look at the screenshot to find where to save).

Opening footage in Vegas

If you really want to make a good video, this is hard though and you should try doing this once you’re getting quite good with editing. you should FIRST open your sound in Vegas and make the music match with the video from the beginning, that’s what I always do <3>> Open and find the proper file (CTRL+O)

You probably have something like this:

Now let’s see. On the timeline you can actually see your fraps. You can click on play (look at the screenshot if you can’t find it) and see the video on the bottom right. You can’t see it that good. But it’s good enough for editing.

Cutting(splitting) a fragment.

I’m going to tell it right away, if something goes wrong simply press CTRL+Z to undo (Or ALT+Y to redo).

This should be easy. Click on the fragment which is on the timeline. Click on “S” to Split it, that’s all.

You should do this quite often. For example, if you want to delete a part of the fragment. Let’s say you recorded 4 minutes but only the first minute is worth watching. Click on the fragment after that minute, click on “S” to split it. Click on the fragment you don’t need anymore (the 3 minutes that are left) and press on Delete, it will only delete the last 3 minutes since you splitted after the first minute.

Speeding up or slowing down.

Do not speed up or slow down too much. It makes the video pretty ghey. I almost only use it if I want to get the music matching with the footage lately.
To speed up or to slow down you must click on the far left or far right side of a fragment (like, at the beginning or the end of a fragment) and drag it inward or outward WHILE YOU HOLD CTRL. For speeding up, inward (so the fragment becomes smaller) and for speeding up, outward (so the fragment becomes bigger, no shit, lol.)
Some lines, like accordions appear on the fragment. Speeding up should look like this:

Overlapping (Text and video fragments).

Let’s start off with Overlapping Text, that’s easier.
1. Go to the Media generators tab next to Video FX.
2. Select “Text”.
3. Move a fraps fragment to a new timeline.
4. Drag the “sample text” to the 1st timeline.

Now you can already see the text overlapping your fraps footage. If you want to make the text bigger or smaller do the same thing as with speeding up or slowing down (dragging in-or-outward while holding CTRL). You can also change text settings with this icon:

Now over to overlapping video fragments.

You’ll need 2 different timelines for this as well. Move a fraps fragment to another timeline, underneath the part where you want to overlap, watch:

Now go to the compositing mode and set it to “add”, observe:

If everything went fine you just overlapped 2 video fragments. If you want to overlap 2 video fragments and a text fragment or even more you have to do the same but you’ll need more timelines for it.

Fading in and fading out.

Go to the upper right corner of a fragment. Some kind of arrow with a quarter part of a circle will appear. Move that to the left, you’ll get something like this:

Try playing it and look at the lithe camera at the right bottom of the screen again. It should fade out.
As for fading in start at the upper left corner of the fragment until that same thing appears. Move it to the right, you should get this:

Play it and see if it fades in, it should.

Zooming in(or out).

This is something that should be done a few times in a video, not too often of course but it looks pretty cool.
Right click on a video fragment in which you want to zoom in and go to “video event pan/crop”.

You should now see a small pop-up in the middle of your screen. This is where you have to work with if you want to zoom in. There are 2 things here you must know how to use. There’s a square with a “F” in it and a little timeline. Where you see the square is where the camera zooms in to. You can of course also move the square. Now look at how I zoomed in on this guy I killed (Looks pretty nice :D )

Now look at the timeline. That’s at what moment the camera zooms into the square. You probably get it, I know you do. And if you don’t, well, let’s say you want to start off without a zoom in and want it to zoom in after a few seconds. Click on the timeline after those few seconds, a little square will appear on the timeline and then make the square with the F in it smaller, observe:

This isn’t hard. It’s actually quite easy but it does, like most things require a lot of practicing. So you should create a lot of those squares at the timeline and zoom in different at all of them. Then start playing the video and look at the little video on the bottom right to see what it looks like.



This is what makes editing so fun and easy. Zoom in or out on the timeline by clicking on it and scrolling up or down or by clicking on the + or – at the left corner:

Left click on a fragment and drag it halfway towards another one. A “X” will appear as those 2 fragments will fade out and fide in into each other:

You can already put a transition on the X which will make a nice effect. Go to the transitions tab on the bottom. Use the first one to check it out, it will look cool, trust me. Click on the transition and drag it to the “X”, look:

Now play it and look at the little camera at the right bottom off the screen. Looks cool huh? See, it’s not hard to edit :D
You can always use transitions on that “X” if you overlap 2 fragments and see that “X”. You can also use transitions at the beginning or at the end of a fragment, try it out ( you will probably have to make the transition bigger to make it look cool though).

If you want to use a transition in the middle of a fragment you should split (S) where you want to have that transition and drag the transition to that split:

Video fx

For special effects you can also use Video fx. But the main difference is that that it’s for the entire fragment. Go to the Video fx tab at the bottom. Click on of the effects, just use the first one for example (it’s not that good) but you’ll see what it looks like.

Play the fragment and see what it looks like.

Alright, you should know how to edit a bit now. You’ll get better by practicing and once you know how everything works start matching it with music.


Once you’ve finished your video compress it.
Go to File>>Render as:

A pop-up will appear which allows you to set everything like you want.
Go to “Custom…”

A new pop-up will appear.
Set everything like this:

Go to the video tab and set everything like this. (You need a XviD MPEG-4 Codec for it)

Now go to Configure to set the xViD codec (look at my screenie)

Note: You only record between those triangles above the timeline:

Now save it:

You’re ready to render. Click on “Save as” or something, my version is dutch so I see “opslaan” =P and he’ll probably start rendering :D

If you have questions feel free to ask in this topic.

Check out my video’s at:
This guide is to assist players in making their own pvp, raid and/or siegemovies.
made by LeafThePro :O


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