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Автор Тема: [Guide] Phoenix Knight  (Прочитано 15726 раз)

Оффлайн Mescalit0

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[Guide] Phoenix Knight
« : Июня 24, 2011, 18:00:03 pm »
Hello maxcheaters community. I have decided to make a guide about Phoenix Knight class.Here we go.


Change to Human Knight( Knight)
Change to Paladin ( Trial of the Calling , Testimony of Trust , Testimony of the Healer )
Change to Phoenix Knight ( Saga of the Phoenix Knight )



D grade(20-40 lvl) Elven Long Sword
C grade(40-52 lvl) Sword of Nightmare - Health
B grade(52-61 lvl) Sword of Damascus - Haste
A grade(61-76 lvl) Dark Legion's Edge - Health
S grade(76-80 lvl) Forgotten Blade - Health
S80 grade(80-84 lvl) Icarus Sawsword - Health   
S84 grade(84-85 lvl) Eternal Core Sword - Health


D grade(20-40 lvl)
Brigandine Tunic
Brigandine Gaiters   
Brigandine Helmet
Brigandine Shield
C grade(40-52 lvl)
Full Plate Armor
Full Plate Helmet
Full Plate Shield
Full Plate Gauntlets
Full Plate Boots

B grade(52-61 lvl)
Doom Plate Armor
Doom Gloves
Doom Boots
Doom Helmet
Doom Shield

A grade(61-76 lvl)
Armor of Nightmare
Gloves of Nightmare
Boots of Nightmare
Helm of Nightmare
Shield of Nightmare

S grade(76-80 lvl)
Imperial Crusader Breastplate
Imperial Crusader Gaiters
Imperial Crusader Helmet
Imperial Crusader Gauntlets
Imperial Crusader Boots
Imperial Crusader Shield

S80 grade(80-84 lvl)
Moirai Cuirass
Moirai Gaiter
Moirai Helmet
Moirai Gauntlet
Moirai Boots
Moirai Shield

S84 grade(84-85 lvl)
Εlegia Cuirass
Elegia Gaiters
Elegia Helmet
Elegia Gauntlet
Elegia Boots
Elegia Shield


Elven Set (D grade)
Blessed Set (C grade)
Set of Black Ore (B grade)
Majestic Set (A grade)
Tateossian Set (S grade)
Dynasty Set (S80 grade)
Vesper Set (S84 grade)

Epic Jewellery

Necklace of Valakas (S grade)
Zaken's Earring (S grade)
Earring of Antharas (S grade)
Ring Of Baium (S grade)
Ring of Queen Ant (B grade)

(if server has epic jewels, it will be better to take them.)

(instead of Ring of Queen Ant its better to take vesper ring cause you will have more m. def.)


*Physical Skills

Aura of Hate(lvl 37): Uses 6542 power to provoke nearby enemies to attack.  (mp cost: 102)
Aggresion(lvl 49): Uses 7196 power to provoke an enemy to attack.  (range: 800)
Symbol of Defense(lvl 1): Creates a seal that maximizes the defensives abilities of nearby allies. The seal's effect disappears upon leaving the area. Consumes 1 Battle Symbol  (mp cost: 80)

*Magic Skills

Remedy(lvl 3): Cures severe bleeding.  (mp cost: 55)
Sacrifice(lvl 25): Sacrifices user's HP to restore a target's HP with 1170 power.  (hp cost: 1560) (range: 600)
Holy Blessing(lvl 37): Restore target's HP using 546 power.  (mp cost: 239) (range: 600)
Summon Imperial Phoenix(lvl 1):Summons an Imperial Phoenix. Consumes 2 A-Grade Crystals and 1 soul each.
Spirit of Phoenix(lvl 1): Share Phoenix's spirit and yours. There is a chance that the Spirit of Phoenix will expand when being attacked. Additional effects appear as it expands.

*Reinforcement Skills

Iron Will(lvl 3): Increases user's M.Def. by 30% for 20 minutes  (mp cost: 25)
Majesty(lvl 3): Increases P.Def. by 15% for 5 minutes and decreases evasion by 6  (mp cost: 27)
Ultimate Defense(lvl 2):  For 30 seconds, increases user's P.Def. by 3600, M.Def. by 2700, resistance to buff-canceling attacks by 80%, and restricts movement.  (mp cost: 21)
Deflect Arrow(lvl 4): Increases resistance to bow attacks by 40% and resistance to crossbow attacks by 20% for 20 minutes.  (mp cost: 22)
Touch of Life(lvl 1): Gives a holy blessing by sacrificing oneself.Restores HP by 50%, and for 2 minutes, increases resistance to buff cancel attacks by 100%, resistance to de-buff attacks by 30%, and the power of received HP recovery magic by 30%. Restores 50 HP every second.  (HP cost: 1215) (Range: 40)
Physical Mirror(lvl 1): For 5 minutes, reflects physical buffs/de-buffs with 30% probability and magic buffs/de-buffs with 10% probability. Requires a shield. (mp cost: 36)
Vengeance(lvl 1): Provokes nearby enemies to switch targets and attack through power 7987. For 30 seconds increases user's P.Def. by 5400, M.Def. by 4050, and resistance to buff-canceling attacks by 80%, and becomes unable to move. Requires a shield.  (mp cost: 35)
Angelic Icon(lvl 3): Channels the gods' strength to greatly increase user's combat effectiveness. For 1 minute, increases resistance to de-buff attacks by 40%, P.Def. by 50%, M.Def. by 50%, accuracy by 6 when a sword/blunt weapon is equipped, movement speed by 30, attack speed by 30% when a sword/blunt weapon is equipped, critical rate by 100 when a sword is equipped, critical damage by 100% when a blunt weapon is equipped, and resistance to buff-canceling attacks by 40%. Decreases the effect of recovery magic by 80%. Can be used when HP is under 30%. (mp cost: 170)
Soul of the Phoenix(lvl 1): Maintains buggs and de-buffs even after death. The Blessing of Noblesse and the Amulet of Luck disappear, however. Consumes 1 Blood of the Phoenix. (mp cost: 250)
Iron Shield(lvl 1): Increases Shield Defense power with a certain chance when attacked. (mp cost: 43)
Shield of Faith(lvl 1): For 15 seconds, party members' P.Def. is increased by 3600 and M.Def. is increased by 2700. For the duration, 90% of any damage received by a party member is absorbed. (mp cost: 43)
Shield Deflect Magic(lvl 4): For 8 seconds, transfers magical damage back to the enemy caster. (mp cost: 29)
Anti Magic Armor(lvl 1): Increases M. Def. by 5000 for 30 seconds.
Deflect Magic(lvl 1): Increases resistance to magic attacks by 100% for 20 minutes.
Flame Icon(lvl 1): Receives the will of the phoenix to drastically increase the fighting ability of party members. For 1 minute, increases resistance to de-buff attacks by 40%, P. Def. by 50%, M. Def. by 50%, accuracy by 6 when a sword/blunt weapon is equipped, moving speed by 30, Atk. Spd. by 30% when a sword/blunt weapon is equipped, critical rate by 33 when a sword is equipped, critical damage by 33% when a blunt weapon is equipped, and resistance to buff canceling attacks by 40%. Decreases the effect of recovery magic by 80%.

*Weaken Skills

Shield Stun(lvl 52): Stuns an enemy for 9 seconds. Requires a shield. (mp cost: 38)(range 40)
Shield Slam(lvl 1): Stuns an enemy with a shield, blocking the enemy's physical skills for 1 minute. Requires a shield. Target cancel is possible. (mp cost: 35)(range 40)
Tribunal(lvl 10): Inflicts divinity damage on the enemy with 1535 power added to power and greatly stimulates attacking desire. For 30 seconds, decreases the critical rate by 50% and resistance to every type of close range weapon by 20. Requires a sword or blunt weapon to be equipped. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. (mp cost: 72)(range 40)
Shackle(lvl 10): Provokes an enemy to attack, then immobilizes them for 10 seconds. (mp cost: 34)(range 600)
Mass Shackling(lvl 5): Provokes nearby enemies to attack, then immobilizes them for 10 seconds.(mp cost: 51)
Banish Undead(lvl 10): Fills undead with fear, causing them to flee for 20 seconds. Consumes 10 soul ores. Lethal strike is possible. (mp cost: 68)(range 150)

*Toggle Skills

Holy Blade(lvl 1): Ability to attack with sacred power. (mp cost: 8)
Holy Armor(lvl 2): Increases one's resistance to dark magic attacks. (mp cost: 9)
Aegis Stance(lvl 1): Enables shield defense in all directions and decreases shield P.Def. by 40%. (mp cost: 9)
Shield Fortress(lvl 6): Shield P.Def. increases by 560. MP is continuously consumed proportionate to user's level.  (mp cost: 14)
Fortitude(lvl 1): Increases resistance to paralysis and stun attacks by 30. MP is coninuously consumed proportionate to user's level. (mp cost: 35)

**Transform Skills

(when you finish casting vanguard you will lose all your basic skills and you will have the following.Also will be better in PvE )

Vanguard(lvl 1): Goes forth as the advance guard and displays valor. Receives the ability to attack more freely because a two-handed sword is equipped, but shield defense is decreased. (mp cost: 31)
Full Swing(lvl 38): Widely swings a two-handed weapon to attack nearby enemies with 3801 power added to P.Atk. Requires a two-handed sword/two-handed blunt to be equipped. Ignores shield defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible.(mp cost: 80)
Cleave(lvl 38): Inflicts a powerful blow on the enemy with 4224 power added to P.Atk. Requires a two-handed sword/two-handed blunt weapon to be equipped. Ignores shield defense.Over-hit. Critical. (hp cost: 1)(mp cost: 80)(range 40)
Guillotine Attack(lvl 37): Attacks the target with 6960 power added to P.Atk. Requires a two-handed sword/two-handed blunt weapon to be equipped. Ignores shield defense.Over-hit. (mp cost: 99)(range 40)
Boost Morale(lvl 3): For 2 minutes when using a sword/blunt weapon/dualsword, increases one's own accuracy by 8, critical attack rate by 150, and critical damage by 30%. (mp cost: 133)
Switch Stance(lvl 1): Switches from an attack stance to a basic stance.


Greater Dye of WIT <wit+4 int-4>
Greater Dye of CON <con+4 str-4>


improved combat,improved condition,improved movement,improved shield defense,improved critical attack,improved magic,haste,greater shield,resist shock,Unholy resistance,Holy Resistance,Mental Shield,Divine Protection,Elemental Protection,Chant of Protection,Chant of Revenge,Resist Fire,Resist Aqua,Resist Wind

Song of Warding,Song of Vitality,Song of Wind,Song of Renewal,Song of Champion,Song of Earth,Song of Storm Guard,Dance of Warrior,Dance of Fury,Dance of Protection,Dance of Alignment,Dance of ,Dance of Aqua Guard


For armor,it depends on the server.
What do you mean? I mean that you check the community of the server and you choose the attributes that you will put in your armor
For weapon, you put holy.
Why holy? You have also a skill holy blade that increases holy attribute.So is the better choice.

Certification Skills

Counter Spirit: 3% chance to increase 7% M.Atk/P.Atk and 8% Cast.Spd/Atk.Spd for 15 seconds when under attack
Chance Haste: 1% chance to increase 32% Atk.Spd for 15 seconds when attacking
Counter Barrier: 3% chance to become temporarily invincible to damage for 5 seconds (but not debuffs) when under attack.

PVP Strategies

You cant pvp alone because you are a tank, so never go alone for pvps. Its better to go with a party/clan.

Xp Zones

From 1 to 10, near spawn place and outside talking island
From 10 to 15, outside of Elven Ruins
From 15 to 20, Elven Ruins
From 20 to 30, Ruins of Despair,Ruins of Agony and at 25 lvl you can go to Wastelands
From 30 to 40, death pass or Hardins Private Academy
From 40 to 60, Cemetary and after 55 you can go Dragon Valley
From 60 to 70, Dragon Valley Cave or Valley of Saints
From 70 to 80, Hot Springs, Varka Silenos Outpost,Ketra Orc Outpost or Monastery of Silence
From 80 to 85, Isle of Player

(Also you can go to Kamaloka or Catacombs if you have a party.)



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