Some PVP & SIEGE videos by ThugzMansion clan
ALL VIDEOS ARE FROM PRIVATE [ not Official ] SERVERS !!!! LINEAGE2WORLD.comLineage2World.com-MemoriesSize: 143 mb
Time: 27:54
Resolution: 1280 x 864
Description: Some history of TM... our 1st server
RANDOM SRVZTM ForeverSize: 40 mb
Time: 08:17
Resolution: 1024 x 768
Description: l2requiem.com ; la2world.ru ; l2killer.com
TM vs WARLOLSize: 10 mb
Time: 00:53
Resolution: 1024 x 768
Description: l2killer.com – it`s BR`s srv
Time: 03:31
Resolution: 1152 x 864
Description: lol movie from la2world.ru [PVP1] : Bgr vs A&Sgr
GANGZTA TM 2Size: 115 mb
Time: 09:42
Resolution: 1152 x 864
Description: Bgr vs A&Sgr [voll.2] Servers:la2world.ru [PVP1]; friendzl2
L2Server.ruTM`re backSize: 65 mb
Time: 3:32
Resolution: 1152 x 864
Description: we start playing on new srv = new friendz and new enemies ^_^
ADEN SIEGESize: 418 mb
Time: 12:45
Resolution: 1152 x 864
Description: First siege on this srv
TM & ODSize: 123 mb
Time: 6:38
Resolution: 1152 x 864
Description: Dion & Giran sieges , GvG : GC, TOI , VOS [3vs3], BS [2vs6].
GLUDIO SIEGESize: 814 mb
Time: 28:32
Resolution: 1152 x 864
Description: Siege of Gludio Castle - 3 vs 1 Ally ^_^
SIEGE`s CHAOSSize: 532 mb
Tme: 19:18
Resolution: 1152 x 864
Description: Giran`s , Aden`s Innadril`s Sieges
TM & OD LastSize: 142 mb
Time: 6:51
Resolution: 1152 x 864
Description: The last movie from L2S GvG: DP [6vs6 & 8vs8] , BS [5vs5] , AQ [8vs8] , part of Oren`s Siege and VOS [5vs11].
MOVIE: ONE DAY – ONE WINSize: 758 mb
Time: 30:01
Resolution: 720 x 480
ps: MPEG-4
Description: made by Baskov
TehGamersLOAL PVP-PKSize: 119mb
Time: 5 minuts
Resolution: 1280x864
Descriptions : Some LoaL pk and pvp videos from TehGamers.com
L2MAFIA.gr srvzTM - MAFIA MovieSize: 523 MB
Time: 18 min
Resolution: 1280x864
Description: KvN sistem srv
Time: 17:21
Video: 1280x864
Description: Ken Orwen - x300
Time: 03:39
Video: 1280x864
Description: Ken Orwen - x300
FREAK SHOW III - UnpublishedSize : 268 MB
Time: 10:08
Video: DIVX 1280x864
Description: L2mafia.gr: KvN 02 ; ExiWorld.ru ; TehGamers.com ; L2Server.ru
L2Mafia Tizer - New reclame clip for L2mafia NetworkSize : 89 MB
Time: 03:06
Video: DIVX 1280x800
Description: L2mafia.gr: KvN 02 ; Ken Orwen x300
Soundtrack: Apocalyptica - Path
PvP-Game.ru [2010]FREAK SHOW IV - HAPPY FRAGZTime: 09:01
Size: 254 MB
Videosize: 1272 x 954 [ LoL ]
Description: It`s the 1st video from pvp-game.
u`ll see some lol fragz fom x50 and x1000 srv
Size: 177 mb
Videosize: 1280x800
Description: some random fragz from pvp-game[x50], l2-renewal, RU-OFF(lancer) and bug-lol-own of l2mafia donators
Size: 207 mb
Videosize: 1280x800
Description: some lol sieges : Innadril, Gludio and Aden from x50 and x1000 srvz:P
FreePlay.su [2010]Happy World - Thugz TV
Size: 268 mb
Time: 07:54
Videosize: 1280x960
Description: AW video, server - freeplay.su You`ll see: solo ganks, pk, and fights in mini-pt (1 vs xxx, 2 vs 2, 4 vs 4 etc.)
La2center.ru [2011]Fariel - Troubles with an Angel
Size: 168 mb
Time: 06:50
Videosize: 1008x746
Description: it`s berserker`s video. Our good friend Fariel with his gang band makes some frags. You`ll see - solo ganks and fights in mini-pt (1 vs xxx, 3 vs 4, 4 vs xxxx etc.)
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